US D1,010,628 S
Four-port MIMO antenna with whirligig isolating structure
Jayshri Sharad Kulkarni, Pune (IN); Abdullah G. Alharbi, Sakaka (SA); Chow-Yen-Desmond Sim, Taichung (TW); Ajay Poddar, Paterson, NJ (US); and Ulrich L Rohde, Paterson, NJ (US)
Filed by Jayshri Sharad Kulkarni, Pune (IN); Abdullah G. Alharbi, Sakaka (SA); Chow-Yen-Desmond Sim, Taichung (TW); Ajay Poddar, Paterson, NJ (US); and Ulrich L Rohde, Paterson, NJ (US)
Filed on Feb. 2, 2022, as Appl. No. 29/791,725.
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (14) Cl. 14 - 03
U.S. Cl. D14—230
OG exemplary drawing
The ornamental design for a four-port MIMO antenna with whirligig isolating structure, as shown and described.