US D1,056,504 S
Organizing grid for storage case
Timothy Eric Roberts, Broomfield, CO (US); Michael Werner, Arvada, CO (US); Clinton Wade Lynch, Erie, CO (US); Jacob Blick, Superior, CO (US); and Kellen Cooper Sansone, Denver, CO (US)
Assigned to Magpul Industries Corp., Austin, TX (US)
Filed by Magpul Industries Corp., Austin, TX (US)
Filed on Mar. 11, 2022, as Appl. No. 29/830,444.
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (15) Cl. 03 - 01
U.S. Cl. D 3—319  [D9/456]
OG exemplary drawing
The ornamental design for an organizing grid for storage case, as shown and described.