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Assignee (Company) Name

Classification of Patents Index

Derivation Proceeding

Design Patent

Geographical Index of Inventors

Index of Patentees

Inter Partes Review


Patent Classification

Patent Number

Patentee Name

Plant Patent

Post-Grant Review


Reissue Patent

Statutory Invention Registration

Supplemental Examination

Utility Patent

Assignee (Company) Name (See also Index of Patentees)

The name of the company or individual that the patent was assigned to at time of issue. Assignee names are searchable in the Index of Patentees. There are two ways to search by assignee name:

  1. On the Index of Patentees page, enter the first word of the assignee's name (for a company) or last name (for an individual)  in the Patentee entry box. When the first word or last name is entered, press Go. The Index in the right window will jump to that name.
  2. Using the linked letters/numbers in the left window, click on the first letter of the first word in the company's name or first letter of the individual's last name. The beginning of that letter in the Index is displayed in the right window. Scroll through the entries for that letter by using the scroll bars.

Click on the patent number in the appropriate entry to display the patent.


Names beginning with initials will be found under the initial, not the last name, i.e., A G Edwards will be located in the A section. Do not include periods or commas.

You cannot search for a partial name. If you are not certain of the spelling, use the linked letters/numbers in the left window to go that section of the Index and use the scroll bar to browse through the entries.

If the name you enter is not found, the Index will jump to the start of that letter. Use the scroll bar to browse through the entries.

There are two separate alphabetical indexes: 1) by patent type - Reexamination, Statutory Invention Registration, Reissue, Plant, Utility, and Design, and 2) a combined alphabetical index of all patentees, regardless of type.

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Classification of Patents Index

This index lists issued Utility patent numbers by Cooperative Patent Classification class — for example, A01, B29, G08. Click on the class designation to display classifications and patent numbers.

This index lists issued Design patent numbers in U.S. Patent Classification ranges — for example, D01 – D09 — and lists issued Plant patent numbers in U.S. Patent Classification PLT.

Click on the patent number to display a specific patent. Use the Previous and Next buttons to browse through the classes and ranges.

Use the Browse by Class and Group/Subclass page to browse by specific classification.

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Derivation Proceeding

Effective March 16, 2013, a derivation proceeding (DER) is a trial conducted by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board to determine whether (i) an inventor named in an earlier application derived the claimed invention from an inventor named in the petitioner’s application, and (ii) the earlier application claiming such invention was filed without authorization. At the conclusion of the trial, a certificate setting forth the results is issued. DER certificates are signified by an O1 suffix after the original patent number, followed by the number of the DER certificate, for example, 7,654,321 O1 (3rd).

To locate by patent number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number box as 7654321 or 07654321 and click the Go button.

To browse Patent Trial and Appeal Board certificates:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the Derivation Proceeding link to display the patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display specific documents or use the previous and next buttons to browse the entire section.

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Design Patent

Design patents may be granted to anyone who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture. The design patent protects only the appearance of an article, but not its structural or functional features. Design patents are indicated by a "D" prefix before the patent number, for example, D452,955.

To locate by patent number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number entry box as D452955 or D045955 and click the Go button.

To browse design patents:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the Design Patents Granted link to display classifications and patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display specific patents or use the previous and next buttons to browse the entire section.

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Geographical Index of Inventors

This index lists issued patent numbers for the week by the state or country of the inventor. From the Geographical Index page, click on the state to display patent numbers for that state. Click on the patent number to display the patent. To display country names, click on the See Other Countries link and then click on the individual country to display patent numbers.

The number in parentheses following the state or country name indicates the number of patents.

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Index of Patentees

This is an alphabetical listing of inventor names and assignee names, either company or individual's names. The Index of Patentees is searchable using the following two methods.

  1. On the Index of Patentees page, enter the last name of the inventor or individual assignee or the first word of the assignee's name in the Patentee entry box. When the first word or last name is entered, press Go. The Index in the right window will jump to that name.
  2. Using the linked letters/numbers in the left window, click on the first letter of the inventor's last name or the first word in the assignee's name. The beginning of that letter in the Index is displayed in the right window. Scroll through the entries for that letter by using the scroll bars.

    Click on the patent number in the appropriate entry to display the patent.


Company names beginning with initials will be found under the first initial, not the last name, i.e., A G Edwards will be located in the A section. Do not include periods or commas.

You cannot search for a partial name. If you are not certain of the spelling, use the linked letters/numbers in the left window to go that section of the Index and use the scroll bar to browse through the entries.

If the name you enter is not found, the Index will jump to the start of that letter. Use the scroll bar to browse through the entries.

There are two separate alphabetical indexes: 1) by patent type - Reexamination, Statutory Invention Registration, Reissue, Plant, Utility, and Design, and 2) a combined alphabetical index of all patentees, regardless of type.

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Inter Partes Review

Effective September 16, 2012, inter partes review (IPR), initiated by a person who is not the owner of the patent, is a proceeding conducted by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board to review the patentability of one or more claims on the basis of prior art consisting of patents or printed publications. At the conclusion of the trial, a certificate setting forth the results is issued. IPR certificates are signified by a K1 suffix after the original patent number, followed by the number of the IPR certificate, for example, 7,654,321 K1 (14th).

To locate by patent number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number box as 7654321 or 07654321 and click the Go button.

To browse Patent Trial and Appeal Board certificates:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the Inter Partes Review link to display the patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display specific documents or use the previous and next buttons to browse the entire section.

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The Notices section of the Official Gazette contains important notices published for that week. Each Notice title is linked to the text of the notice. Use the Top of Page link to return to the Table of Contents for the Notices. Click on the Go Back button to return Home.

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Patent Classification

Each Utility patent was assigned to a Cooperative Patent Classification — for example, A24C 5/002, which consists of a CPC Subclass (A24C) plus a CPC Subgroup (5/002). Each Design and Plant patent was assigned to a U.S. Patent Classification Class and Subclass — for example, USPC Class D8 and Subclass 29.1, or USPC Class PLT and Subclass 413. There are two ways to browse by CPC (Utility) and two ways to browse by USPC (Design or Plant):

  1. From the Browse by CPC or USPC page, for a Utility patent enter the CPC Subclass designation in the Subclass entry box, enter the main group number (before the slash) in the first Subgroup entry box, and enter the subgroup number (after the slash) in the second Subgroup entry box. For a Design or Plant patent enter the USPC Class designation in the Class entry box and enter the Subclass number in the Subclass entry box. You must enter a CPC Subclass designation for Utility documents, but a CPC Subgroup designation is optional. You must enter a USPC Class designation for Design or Plant documents, but a USPC Subclass designation is optional. Click the Go button. A list of patent numbers with classifications is displayed in the left window and the first patent in the classification is displayed in the right window. To look at the next patent in that classification, click on the Next button. Click on a patent number to display a specific patent.
  2. From the Classification of Patents page, click on the CPC class (such as B26 or G12) or on the USPC class range or class (like D20 – D29 or PLT) to display the classifications and patent numbers. Click on the patent number to display the patent.
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Patent Number

The unique number assigned to applications that have issued as patents. Enter the patent number in the patent number entry box on the Browse Granted Patents page and click the Go button. Patent numbers should be entered using the following formats:

Utility 6338161 or 06338161
Design D452951 or D0452951
Plant PP12350 or PP012350
Reexamination 5480218 or 05480218
Reissue RE37505 or RE037505
Statutory Invention Registration H1959 or H01959
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Patentee Name

The name of the inventor or the company or individual assigned the patent at the time of issue. The Index of Patentees is searchable using the following two methods.

  1. On the Index of Patentees page, enter the last name of the inventor or individual assignee or the first word of the assignee's name in the Patentee entry box. When the first word or last name is entered, press Go. The Index in the right window will jump to that name.
  2. Using the linked letters/numbers in the left window, click on the first letter of the inventor's last name or the first word in the assignee's name. The beginning of that letter in the Index is displayed in the right window. Scroll through the entries for that letter by using the scroll bars.

Click on the patent number in the appropriate entry to display the patent.


Company names beginning with initials will be found under the first initial, not the last name, i.e., A G Edwards will be located in the A section. Do not include periods or commas.

You cannot search for a partial name. If you are not certain of the spelling, use the linked letters/numbers in the left window to go that section of the Index and use the scroll bar to browse through the entries.

If the name you enter is not found, the Index will jump to the start of that letter. Use the scroll bar to browse through the entries.

There are two separate alphabetical indexes: 1) by patent type - Reexamination, Statutory Invention Registration, Reissue, Plant, Utility, and Design, and 2) a combined alphabetical index of all patentees, regardless of type.

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Plant Patent

Plant patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plants, including cultivated sports, mutants, hybrids, and newly found seedlings, other than a tuber-propagated plant or a plant found in an uncultivated state. Asexually propagated plants are those that are reproduced by means other than from seeds, such as by the rooting of cuttings, by layering, budding, grafting, inarching, etc. Plant patents are indicated with a PP prefix before the patent number, for example, PP 12,350.

To locate by patent number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number entry box as PP12350 or PP012350 and click the Go button.

To browse plant patents:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the Plant Patents Granted link to display classifications and patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display specific patents or use the previous and next buttons to browse the entire section.

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Post-Grant Review

Effective September 16, 2012, post grant review (PGR), initiated by a person who is not the owner of the patent, is a proceeding conducted by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board to review the patentability of one or more claims in a patent on any ground that could be raised under § 282(b)(2) or (3). At the conclusion of the trial, a certificate setting forth the results is issued. PGR certificates are signified by a J1 suffix after the original patent number, followed by the number of the PGR certificate, for example, 7,654,321 J1 (25th).

Effective September 16, 2012, the transitional program for covered business method (CBM) patents is a proceeding conducted by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board to review the patentability of one or more claims in a covered business method patent. The program will sunset for new CBM petitions on September 16, 2020. CBM proceedings employ the standards and procedures of post-grant review. At the conclusion of the CBM trial, a PGR certificate is issued. See above.  

To locate by patent number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number box as 7654321 or 07654321 and click the Go button.

To browse Patent Trial and Appeal Board certificates:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the Post-Grant Review link to display the patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display specific documents or use the previous and next buttons to browse the entire section.

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Any person may file a request for reexamination of a patent, along with the required fee, on the basis of prior art consisting of patents or printed publications. At the conclusion of the reexamination proceedings, a certificate setting forth the results of the reexamination proceeding is issued. Reexaminations are signified by a C1 suffix after the original patent number followed by the number of the reexamination certificate, for example, 5,480,218 C1 (4328th).

To locate by patent number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number box as 5480218 or 05480218 and click the Go button.

To browse reexaminations:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the Reexaminations link to display classifications and patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display specific patents or use the previous and next buttons to browse the entire section.

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Reissue Patent

When the patent is defective in certain respects, the law provides that the patentee may apply for a reissue patent. Following an examination in which the proposed changes correcting any defects in the original patent are evaluated, a reissue patent may be granted to replace the original for the balance of the unexpired term. However, the nature of changes that can be made by means of the reissue are rather limited; new matter cannot be added. Reissue patents are designated by a RE prefix before the patent number, for example, RE 37,514.

To locate by patent number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number entry box as RE37514 or RE037514 and click the Go button.

To browse reissue patents:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the Reissue Patents Granted link to display classifications and patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display specific patents or use the previous and next buttons to browse the entire section.

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Statutory Invention Registration (SIR)

An applicant for an original patent may request, at any time during the pendency of applicant's pending complete application, that the specification and drawings be published as a statutory invention registration (SIR). A waiver filed with a request for a statutory invention registration will be effective, upon publication of the statutory invention registration, to waive the inventor's right to receive a patent on the invention claimed in the statutory invention registration, in any application for an original patent which is pending on, or filed after, the date of publication of the statutory invention registration. SIRs are designated by a H prefix before the document number, for example, H 1959.

To locate by document number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number entry box as H1959 or H01959 and click the Go button.

To browse statutory invention registrations:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the Statutory Invention Registrations link to display classifications and patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display specific patents or use the previous and next buttons to browse the entire section.


If issued, Statutory Invention Registrations are published on the first Tuesday of the month.

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Supplemental Examination

Effective September 16, 2012, a patent owner may submit items of information (not limited to patents and printed publications) and request that the Office conduct a supplemental examination. Within 3 months after the filing of the request, a certificate is issued in the proceeding’s file indicating whether a substantial new question of patentability was raised. Supplemental examination certificates are signified by an F1 suffix after the original patent number, for example, 7,654,321 F1.

To locate by patent number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number box as 7654321 or 07654321 and click the Go button.

To browse supplemental examination certificates:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the Supplemental Examination link to display the patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display specific documents or use the previous and next buttons to browse the entire section.

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Utility Patent

Utility patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or compositions of matters, or any new useful improvement thereof. An example of a utility patent number is 8,338,169.

To locate by patent number:

From the Browse Granted Patents page, enter the number in the Patent Number entry box as 8338169 or 08338169 and click the Go button.

To browse Utility patents:

Utility patents, in accordance with the Cooperative Patent Classification system, are organized under eight types — A: Human Necessities, B: Operations & Transport, C: Chemistry & Metallurgy, D: Textiles & Paper, E: Fixed Constructions, F: Mechanical Engineering, G: Physics, and H: Electricity. From the Browse Granted Patents page, click on the link to the specific Utility patent type to display classifications and patent numbers. Click on patent numbers to display patents or use the Previous and Next buttons to browse the entire section.

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